
dbt labs released version 1.1 of the dbt-core project in late April, 2022. This did not catch the maintainers of the dbt-trino project by surprise. We have been hard at work adding features and fixing bugs, and are proud to announce version 1.1 of the dbt-trino adapter.

Install the new version, and any necessary dependencies, with the following command:

pip install dbt-trino==1.1.0

The most important new feature in dbt-trino 1.1 is support for OAuth2 authentication using a web browser. This lets you log in to a cluster using the credentials from an OAuth2-compatible single sign-on system. To use this feature, install the keyring package to cache the OAuth2 token over multiple dbt invocations, and make sure you have the trino package’s external auth token cache feature.

pip install 'trino[external-authentication-token-cache]'

Other new features of dbt-trino 1.1 include:

  • Improved data type mapping.
  • Support for on_table_exists in table materialization.
  • Support for view_security to define the security mode for views.

For those developing dbt-trino or extensions based on it, the 1.1 release includes:

  • Migration of the GitHub project to a new adapter testing framework.
  • Adding a PostgreSQL Docker container for testing.

See these pages for more on using dbt with Trino or Starburst.

Barton, Przemek, Michiel, and Manfred