
*If you are looking for the 2019 NYC Presto Summit, event info and registration can be found here.*


The 2019 Presto Summit, the foremost event for the open-source SQL engine, Presto and its community, was hosted on June 20th, 2019 at Twitter HQ in San Francisco. The event was co-hosted by the Presto Software Foundation, Starburst, and long-time users and contributors to the project, Twitter.

Engineers, data scientists, and big data leaders from around the globe gathered to learn about the future of the project and listen to presentations of real-world use cases from some of the world’s largest retailers, tech companies, and contributors to the project.




The keynote for the Summit was delivered by the co-creators of Presto and the co-founders of the Presto Software Foundation, Martin Traverso, Dain Sundstrom, and David Phillips. In their keynote they discussed their goals to establish Presto as a key component in data analytics for decades to come. They also discussed recent developments to the project, as well as the project roadmap for 2019. Their keynote can be downloaded below.




Our CEO, Justin Borgman also a presented at the summit. Rather than focus solely on Starburst’s contributions to the project (which you can learn about here if interested), he touched upon on a major challenge facing data engineers…how to sell Presto to your boss.

The three main “selling points” he discussed were Presto’s speed & performance, its reliability at scale, and the architecture optionality you enable with Presto. Download his full presentation below to read more on this.


Speakers + Presentations

With a stellar line up of speakers, attendees were treated to a wide range of Presto use cases backed by real-world data. Presenters, topics, and their presentations & presentation videos are listed below.

Presto Software Foundation – Presto Summit Keynote

Starburst (Justin Borgman) – How to Sell Presto to Your Boss

Twitter (Hao Luo) – Twitter’s Presto Journey To Google Cloud Platform

Comcast (Sajumon Joseph & Bryan Aller) – From Data Warehouse to Hybrid Data Lake w: Presto

Nordstrom (Nitin Gautam) – Presto and Their Data Architecture

Lyft (Puneet Jaiswal) – Dynamic Presto Scaling

GrubHub (Alex Lin) – GrubHub Architecture – Presto and Real-Time Analytics 

Netflix (Daniel Weeks) – Presto & Iceberg for Analytics

Starburst (Matt Fuller) –Kubernetes Integration

LinkedIn (Walaa Eldin Moustafa) – Transport UDFs and Presto

Criteo (Hakan Jakobsson) – Presto’s Cost-Based Optimizer

JD.Com (Tao Huang) – Data Caching w: Presto + Alluxio


Presentation Videos

As mentioned, the day was filled with countless examples of how Presto is helping some of the world’s largest companies consume their data. For the first time, we were able to capture these presentations on video for those who couldn’t make it. Please feel free to reach out with any questions about anything you see.



What’s Next?

We’re looking to bring the Presto Summit to the East Coast in the Fall. Stay tuned for updates on dates and locations. If you’d like to participate as a sponsor, host, or presenter please reach out to us at hello@starburstdata.com.


What are some next steps you can take?

Below are three ways you can continue your journey to accelerate data access at your company

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    Schedule a demo with us to see Starburst Galaxy in action.

  2. 2

    Automate the Icehouse: Our fully-managed open lakehouse platform

  3. 3

    Follow us on YouTube, LinkedIn, and X(Twitter).

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