What’s New in Starburst Galaxy – August 2023

Announcing the general availability of Warp Speed and the introduction of the Galaxy Telemetry catalog
  • Emma Lullo

    Emma Lullo

    Senior Product Marketing Manager, Starburst Galaxy



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We have two big product announcements this month, support for new data sources, and a host of smaller updates. So, without further ado…

Warp Speed is now generally available

Today, we are thrilled to announce that Warp Speed is now generally available in Starburst Galaxy. Warp Speed is an autonomous data lake acceleration layer that supercharges your interactive queries. Preview customers reported an average of 4X improvement in query speed and 7X reduction in CPU time.

The best part? Warp Speed clusters cost the same as standard clusters, so you get faster performance without paying the price. 

Check it out

Query your query history with the new Galaxy Telemetry catalog

Galaxy Telemetry (galaxy_telemetry) is a new catalog that lets you query your query history. Contact us via the in-product chat if you’re interested in joining the private preview. 

Learn more

Support for Apache Pinot and Apache Druid

You can now query data stored in Apache Pinot or Apache Druid databases with Galaxy. Support for CosmosDB, Clickhouse, and OneHouse coming soon. 

Check it out

Other product announcements

If you’re ready to try out these new features in Starburst Galaxy, getting started is easy. Sign up or log in to your free account.

Take a tour of Warp Speed

Experience the power of Warp Speed for yourself with this interactive product tour

Take the tour