As we see it, there are six big reasons to sign up for Datanova: The Data Mesh Summit, with our super exciting fireside chat with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak being the first. Cue the music for the second reason why you should register for Datanova today.
Starburst CEO Justin Borgman’s Data Mesh Keynote!
Listen to what Starburst CEO Justin Borgman has to say on the rise of the Data Mesh movement and what it means for your organization. Justin once said, “Data Mesh is the new path to data management.” And…surprise! His view on this has not changed.
With Data Mesh, you can change the way you learn about data management. Centralized data is not the only way. Yes, there is another path. Instead of repeating history trying to move endless amounts of data, Data Mesh is predicated on better management & analytics of distributed data. That’s right: ETL optional. It’s a history-altering method that will involve a shift in how data leaders, data managers and data analysts view decentralized data.
Not sure how to start your Data Mesh journey? Let Justin be your guide. You’ll learn how you can achieve quick wins and solve real pain along the way, while building towards a complete Data Mesh vision over time. Data Mesh is not one type of technology or code that magically solves data problems at the touch of a button. Instead, it’s about rethinking the human side of technology, alongside adopting a more open approach to building data platforms at scale. At Starburst, the Data Mesh architecture resonates with us because we’ve been focused on helping companies gain faster access to distributed data for years. Our products are powered by Trino, an open-source distributed engine that can execute SQL queries against data stored in a range of databases and file systems.
Join us at Datanova: The Data Mesh Summit and come up with your opinions and share them with us! Can’t stop, Won’t stop, Learning.