The Icehouse is an open data lakehouse that uses Trino and Apache Iceberg.
Explore our resource center to learn more about Icehouse and how it can benefit your organization.
What is an Icehouse?
An Icehouse is an open lakehouse architecture that uses Trino as the query engine and Apache Iceberg as the table format. It provides a data warehouse experience on the data lake.
An Icehouse must have four core capabilities
Get hands-on with Icehouse workshops and tutorials
Iceberg blog series
Trino On Ice
Learn from the Starburst experts
Additional exploration: What others are saying
- An Exploration of Tobias’ Experience in Building a Data Lakehouse from Scratch
- Data Infrastructure at Enterprise Scale
- Iceberg + Dbt + Trino + Hive : modern, open-source data stack
- Iceberg + Spark + Trino + Dagster: modern, open-source data stack
- Migrating to Iceberg for a more efficient Data Lake
- Analyze Logs using Chango Log & Trino/Iceberg
- Shopify cuts execution time from hours to seconds with Iceberg and Trino
- Use Trino and Iceberg as the foundation of your data lakehouse