Live Demo

Experience Starburst Stargate, A Gateway For Global Cross-Cloud Analytics


18th August
4:00pm – 4:20pm GMT/ 5:00pm – 5:20pm CEST

Join our Solution Architects for a 20-minute demo to learn how Starburst Stargate enables organisations to run cross-cloud analytics on data distributed across the globe. Additionally, Stargate ensures compliance with global data sovereignty regulations, enabling organisations to analyse data residing across borders without moving it.

Get ready to explore:

  • How Starburst Stargate is used to address:
    • Data Sovereignty – ensure compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR & CCPA
    • Distributed Data Mesh – see how Stargate operates as the SQL-based query engine that operates across a data mesh architecture
    • Cross-cloud Analytics – learn how Stargate breaks down data access barriers across clouds and regions, empowering organisations with full, accurate insights from their global data
  • And, quiz our Solution Architecture expert

Starburst in Action: Starburst Stargate Live Demo

20 Minutes of Learning

Accelerated Analytics

Catch a 20-minute live demo of how to scale analytics with Starburst Stargate. We’ll show you how you can easily federate queries across multiple data sources.

Inspired Use Cases

Learn about Starburst Stargate use cases that deliver improved performance, reliability, and cost savings for your data analytics workloads.

Ask An Architect

Quiz our expert – bring your Starburst and modern data analytics questions.

Starburst is trusted by the most data-driven organisations in Europe

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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