
Tibor-Florestan Pluto and AirPlus' Regulatory Connect (RegConnect) team earned the Data Analyst Enabler of the Year award for their groundbreaking solution architecture and automation of data integration across multiple systems and teams. Their implementation of a data-mesh inspired approach, facilitated by Starburst, made the integration of data across numerous systems and teams remarkably easy, in stark contrast to the traditional centralized data warehouse approach. Their forward-thinking approach cements AirPlus' data strategy, ensuring agility and scalability in the face of evolving business needs.

Tibor-Florestan Pluto

Enterprise Architect for Data and Business Intelligence, AirPlus

Fun Facts

— Tibor-Florestan Pluto

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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