Trino Meetup at Big Data LDN

Wednesday, September 20 | Olympia, London

Register today!

Join us for the first-ever in-person Trino Meetup in EMEA at Big Data LDN!

Hosted by Martin Traverso – Co-creator of Trino & CTO at Starburst, we are bringing the UK Trino community for an evening of engaging conversations around the continuous innovation of the Trino core engine, usage examples and upcoming improvements for lakehouse use cases.

Where? – Olympia, London – GenAI & Data Science Theatre

When? – September 20th, 6 pm-8 pm

Register now and get a chance to be one of the first 50x registrants who will get an exclusive Trino bundle on the day. 

And if you still haven’t registered to attend Big Data LDN, make sure you get your ticket so you can access the event venue here.


  • 6:00 – 6:30 pm: Pizza, beer and networking
  • 6:30 – 7:15 pm: Main session: Lots of traction for the Trino SQL query engine
  • 7:15 – 8:00 pm: Open Q&A, followed by networking

Register for the Meetup now!

Trino Session



20th Sept. - 6:30pm

Lots of traction for the Trino SQL query engine

The Trino query engine and the ecosystem of supported data sources, clients, integrations, and add-ons is growing by leaps and bounds. In this session we will briefly discuss the history of Trino starting under the name Presto at Facebook over 11 years ago.

We will then dive deeper into recent innovations such as fault-tolerant query processing and support for modern SQL statements such as MATCH_RECOGNIZE, MERGE, json_path and table functions. These improvements and the long history of Trino with supporting multiple table formats and many other data sources make Trino ideal for lakehouse creation, migration and operation, and we will talk about some specific table procedures, performance improvements, and other updates for related use cases.

You will learn about the expanded focus of the community around Trino to support Python-based workflows with trino-python-client, dbt, Ibis, and the rich ecosystem of tools available to query and process large data sets with Trino for analytics and other workloads. Finally we discuss updates and metrics about the project and community, and provide a look at the future of upcoming improvements.

Key takeaways:

  • Details about the continued innovation on the Trino core engine
  • Examples of Trino usage in the SQL and Python communities for analytics and data processing
  • Outlook for upcoming improvements for lakehouse use cases and beyond
Martin Traverso

Your Host

Martin Traverso

Co-creator of Trino, CTO at Starburst Data

Read more

Creator of Presto, Creator of Trino, Co-Founder of the Trino Software Foundation, and CTO at Starburst. Prior to Starburst, Martin worked as a Software Engineer at Facebook, and a Software Architect at Proofpoint and Ning.

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

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  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
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