
Presto Newsletter – December 2018

Welcome to the Presto Newsletter, a monthly round up of news and events relevant to the Presto community.


Presto – Fast SQL on Anything (Video & Slides)
Starburst CTO, Kamil Bajda-Pawlikowski presents the Presto architecture, how it works, best use cases, recent enhancements to the project, and the roadmap going forward.

Alluxio & Presto: Architecture for Fast SQL in the Cloud (Meetup slides)
Deploying Presto on the Alluxio open source distributed storage system for fast analytics in the cloud.

  • View the slides


Presto News & Knowledge

HyperLogLog in Presto: A significantly faster way to handle cardinality estimation
Facebook describes the implementation of the Presto HyperLogLog data types for fast estimation of distinct values in large, high-cardinality data sets.

User Defined Function (UDF) Portability across Data Engines at LinkedIn
LinkedIn describes their implementation of a portable UDF API that works across Presto, Spark, and Hive.

5 ways Facebook improved compression at scale with Zstandard
Zstd improvements increase ORC file compression ratios and speed by double-digit percentages.

Presto Releases & New Features 

Starburst Presto 213e is ready for download. Security audit logging, new ANALYZE SQL command, plus many other new performance, security, and ease of use enhancements, .


Engineers Corner 

Elasticsearch connector for Presto
The latest release of a new Presto – Elasticsearch connector for easier analysis and integration of data stored in Elasticsearch.

TileDB connector for Presto
Working with densely or sparsely packed arrays of scientific data? TileDB, an open source storage engine for multi-dimensional arrays of data, can now be queried via Presto SQL, or by using APIs for C/C++, Python, and R.

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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