Add entries in Coordinator's /etc/hosts file

I am facing a problem using the Helm Chart deployment method. I am using Starburst Enterprise PayGo - AWS EKS.

Having problem to add additional entries in the /etc/hosts file which is located in Starburst Coordinator pod. Is there a way to support hostAliases (see here).

My first try was to append an new entry via an init-container but I found out that this is not going to work since the init container exits after execution
Excerpt from link above:

Avoid making manual changes to the hosts file inside a container.
If you make manual changes to the hosts file, those changes are lost when the container exits.

So from my understanding there is currently no way to alter /etc/hosts through the Helm Chart.
The only solution comes to mind, edit Coordinator deployment resource manually and force a restart of its pods.

Do you have any recommendations?

Kind regards

Hi there,

Thanks for posting your question! Directly modifying /etc/hosts is typically not an option for containers, so the hostAliases implementation method would be the way to go here. Unfortunately, there is currently no support for this mapping in Starburst’s Helm chart, however, there has been some internal discussion about adding a mapping for this in the recent past.

For now, your best bet would be to modify the coordinator deployment and deploy that change.

You’re always welcome to contact us at if you need additional assistance with your PayGo deployment.

Best regards,

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