Cloudera storage with a Hive or impala connector via jdbc

When i tried starburst galaxy, starburst galaxy only connect object storage Amazon S3, ADLS, Google Cloud Storage. Can Starburst Enterprise or Trino connect to Cloudera storage with a Hive or impala connector via jdbc not thrift?

You are right that Starburst Galaxy doesn’t (yet) allow you to create a catalog pointing straight to your CDP cluster, but YES, Trino and Starburst Enterprise support this connectivity.

Visit Hive connector — Trino 438 Documentation to see that you just need a Hive Metastore and we even have HDFS configuration setup automagically, or you can configure it by hand. Let us know if anything doesn’t work or if you have trouble setting it up.

This approach doesn’t use JDBC, it allows Trino/Starburst to act like Hive/Impala do – meaning from the metastore we know where the actual data is and can run as a separate SQL engine accessing your HDFS data lake directly.

See Cloudera Data Platform support — Starburst Enterprise for more info.

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