Does anyone know how to read (without external cleaning) a json like this?


Hey @luis.machado,
You can do a lot of processing using SQL. See this as an example:

SELECT parsed[1] FROM
(SELECT CAST (json_parse(json) AS ARRAY(ROW(idSource VARCHAR, title VARCHAR, action VARCHAR, dimension VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, user ROW(phone VARCHAR)))) AS parsed
    FROM (VALUES '[' ||
    '{"id_source":"data","title":"data","action":"data","dimension":"data","date":"data","user":{"phone":"data1"}},' ||
    '{"id_source":"data","title":"data","action":"data","dimension":"data","date":"data","user":{"phone":"data2"}}' ||
    ) t(json)

This will return “data1”.
While this is good for prototyping, I would always recommend external cleaning. This type of processing at scale is going to be slooooooooooowwwww.

Also if you’re asking about directly reading from a json file, that’s not possible. You would need to have Trino parse the entire json file and bypass the serde, which is not scalable. i.e. Doing so is not a permanent solution or one that I would deploy in any production environment.

But it’s good when exploring data like this to play around with the data.