I have created a oracle RDS instance and logged into sqlplus and have created a table with 6 columns. i created a starburst galaxy catalogue connection to this instance. when i query with cataloge, database and tablename, i only see 5 fields and not 6. department_id is missing. how do i handle this.?
what is strange is that i created another table in my oracle rds instance and named it employees1. and this time it has 7 fields but we can only see 5 columns… is that a limitation from starburst gaalxy side or aws side?
I just noticed that its excluding both number type fields
CREATE TABLE employees1 (
2 employee_id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY,
3 first_name VARCHAR2(50),
4 last_name VARCHAR2(50),
5 email VARCHAR2(100),
6 hire_date DATE,
7 job_title VARCHAR2(100),
8 department_id NUMBER
9 );
so is there an issue with being able to access and query number fields in starburst galaxy catalogue connection? the table seems fine when i look at it in sqlplus underlying database
I think the type mapping for NUMBER might not be working as you expect. Here are the details for Starburst Enterprise.
I think Starburst Galaxy is similar.
Note that currently you can not configure Starburst Galaxy to support NUMBER … but you can maybe change the column type to be NUMBER(p,s) … so with precision and/or scale specified … and then it should work.
So for example use NUMBER(10) for integer and it should work.