Update Materialized Views incrementally

Can someone share some msg about how to Update Incremental Materialized View Data?

Please take a look at the Starburst document about this at Starburst Hive connector — Starburst Enterprise

We require the definition of an incremental_column in the MV definition for incremental refresh. This column should be monotonically increasing values (Examples are integer values for identifiers, and date or datetime columns using the current time of record creation). The cache service will automatically apply an incremental_column > max(incremental_column) filter when loading data incrementally from the source table. This allows loading new data incrementally.

However, it will not process any updates to the existing data in the source table.
You can additionally delay the refresh if you have a scenario where all the updates to the source are expected to arrive by a certain time interval. This can be done by adding a predicate like event_hour < (SELECT date_add(‘hour’, -1, latest_event_hour) FROM (SELECT max(event_hour) AS latest_event_hour FROM postgresql.foo.events)

There are special column types like int, date, and they must be in the materialized view definition, and when the automatic task is started, the difference data is calculated and inserted into the materialized view.